Sunday, October 14, 2018

M3 CD Design PART 1 (Preliminary)

        When I first started thinking about songs , they were from the 90's or early 2000's. Mostly alternative hard rock. One of my favorite artists is Chris Cornell of Soundgarden and Audioslave, so naturally I had one of his songs listed. Then it hit me hard, his death and then that of Chester Benningtons death. I decided to make some sort of tribute cd to them both. I started watching videos of people playing tribute to them and it was heartbreaking and I have to admit the tears did floweth. 
Some of my initial sketches were dark and somber. I wanted some ray of hope and that hope is of course the legacies they both left behind

        One of the ideas I started focusing on was  an empty house. A house full of character. Each room unique and detailed, filled with light or some semblance of life goes on.
The lyrics would be scribbled on the walls of the rooms. Using different styles for each room. I would research and find interesting rooms and tweek them a bit in photoshop, maybe adding different wallpapers or details. Using illustrator for the typefaces and some additional graphics and then using INdesign for the overall layout.

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